Best Tips on How to Pack Light
No matter how big your bag or suitcase is, it seems that it is never big enough. Everybody loves to travel, but nobody loves to pack, because they do not know how to. You will somehow always end up with too much stuff, and not all that you primarily wanted to bring can fit in your luggage. It is not because your trip is long, but because you are bad at packing, and you need to learn how to make a distinction between what is truly essential and what can be left at home. If you are getting ready to go on a trip right now and you are looking at the list of things that you wish too take, here we have some tips on how to pack smartly and lightly.
Think Universally
This is especially applicable to women. When a woman packs and when she chooses which clothes, shoes and accessorizes to bring, she thinks well in advance about combinations she is going to wear on her trip. Which shoes go with this bag? Can I wear this scarf with this dress? Should I bring one more pair just in case if I change my mind about combining these things? These are just some of the frequent questions that fill a woman’s head when she is packing, and she thinks that by doing this she is going to pack lighter, but she is wrong. Women should always pack as many neutral clothing items as possible, so that she can take only one pair of shoes, possibly black, and one bag that will go with everything. We know that you want to be a fashion icon wherever you go, but do not exaggerate. You can express yourself with statement jewelry, and those will not take up too much space.
No Need For Backup
When people decide how much clothes to bring, they start counting days and a number of combinations they will need. No matter how long you are about to stay abroad, do not trick yourself into bringing a clean shirt for every day. The fact is that no matter where you go, there are always some kind of conditions in which you can wash your clothes. So do not create a problem where you do not need it – take just enough things so that you always have something clean to wear while other things are on the clothesline drying.
Use Your Pockets Well
In the era when even men wear bags, people tend to forget about the fact that they have pockets. Yes, it can look ugly if you stuff your pants with a bunch of little things, but when you are going on a trip you need to forget about aesthetics. Put as much small possessions, like phone, camera, wallet and similar things in your pockets, just be careful with them, as this way they are easier to fall out and get lost, so when it comes to traveling documents, they are better off in a bag.
And by cosmetics we do not only mean makeup for women, but products in general. People like to be prepared, to have a shampoo, toothpaste and shower gel with them the moment they get there, just remember that you need to pack everything in separate bags, so that if it damages or opens, it does not end up all over your other things.
Have I Managed to Do It?
If you have your bags and suitcases all packed on the floor and wonder if you did it the right way, there are two tests you can do before the take off. On the one hand, if you want to know if your luggage is too heavy for the plane, you can simply put it on a scale and see if you need to take some things out. And on the other, if you are going on a vacation where you are going to do a lot of sightseeing, that means you are going to carry everything with you all the time. Simply take your stuff, try walking around with it for a few minutes, and you will know if it gets in your way or if it is too heavy.
So do not be devastated if something you initially wanted to bring with you could not fit in your bag. Just keep telling it to yourself: “I do not need it”. And you probably will not. Ultimately, what you need is your passport and some money, and everything else can be easily replaced.
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